Virtual “Cooking with Cannabis” Cooking Class for Thanksgiving/November

We will be making this incredible delicata squash stuffing on Thanksgiving along with other plant-based infused dishes to round out your holiday!

I host live virtual classes over the holidays for anyone wanting to make an infused meal to serve for their holiday dinner, and to create a welcoming, fun Virtual space for people who spend holidays solo.

And this is a reminder that you only need one subscription, but you are welcome to invite as many people as you like over to your kitchen to cook!

How it works:

Sign up for my paid subscription site at the $30 level and you will get access to monthly virtual cooking classes as well as a year's worth of recipes, educational content, and videos from past virtual classes.

I post the ingredients/shopping list of all of the items you will need to make an infused meal with me and then the login for the class. The day of the class you will just log in, get your ingredients ready, and we will cook a meal together.

Once we are done cooking you can just turn off your computer and enjoy the meal you just made with friends or keep it all to yourself! It's that easy. I hope more of you will join me for the holidays.

November's cooking class will be on Thursday the 24th at 1:00 p.m. Pacific standard Time.

I love spending the holidays with all of you, so I'm excited to cook together on Thanksgiving. If you have any dishes that you would like to make together for December we will have a Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve virtual cooking class. I love taking your suggestions and cooking dishes together so feel free to comment below and let me know what you'd like to make for the holidays!